
This section will cover the functionality of each file in the root directory.


This file is used to specify which source files should be excluded from source control.


Travis CI is a FOSS, hosted, distributed continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted at GitHub. - Wikipedia

If you do not use Travis CI, you can remove this file.


This file is used by the Bower package manager to declare the third-party JavaScript libraries used by your application. Its install section can be used to customize the files that will be copied into www/lib when running the gulp libs task.

See gulp libs in Gulp Tasks for more details.

config.xml (generated)

This file is generated from resources/config/cordova/config.master.xml when running the gulp config task. This is the main configuration file that Cordova uses to build and run your application.


This file will be removed when executing the gulp clean or gulp clean:config tasks and should not be committed to source control.


This file is used by the ionic command line tool. It is used to configure Ionic.io services, among other things.


This is the configuration file for the Karma Unit Test Runner, which is used to run the unit tests via the gulp test task.

See gulp test in Gulp Tasks for more details.


This is the license file for the starter project.


This is the configuration file for the MkDocs document generator, used to generate these docs from the Markdown files in the docs directory.

If you are not using MkDocs, you can remove this file and the docs directory.


This file is used by Node to describe the starter project and to declare the dependencies that must be downloaded when executing the npm install command.

These dependencies include the third-party software needed to build and run your application (e.g., Cordova, Ionic, gulp, etc.).


The default readme file for the starter project.

This can be removed or replaced with information specific to your application.


This file declares the TypeScript definition files that should be downloaded when executing the gulp tsd task. The definition files are hosted by the DefinitelyTyped project.

These definition files describe the third-party JavaScript libraries your application uses so they can be referenced from TypeScript in a strongly-typed manner.

This file can be updated using the tsd command line tool to add or remove definitions.

See gulp tsd in Gulp Tasks for more details.


This file declares the TypeScript definition files that should be downloaded when executing the gulp tsd task. The definition files are hosted by the DefinitelyTyped project.

These definition files describe third-party JavaScript libraries that your unit tests use so they can be referenced from TypeScript in a strongly-typed manner.

This file can be updated using the tsd command line tool to add or remove definitions.

See gulp tsd in Gulp Tasks for more details.


This file contains configuration for the TypeScript linter.

See gulp lint in Gulp Tasks for more details.